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CrowdStrike Falcon Causing BSOD? Here’s How to Fix It
Updated 7/19/2024 8:55AM MST CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity company, confirmed that an issue with its Falcon Sensor software is causing Windows systems to crash. The Falcon Sensor is an endpoint detection and response system designed to prevent computer systems from cyber attacks. However, a recent update to this software has resulted in widespread crashes, with systems displaying the Blue Screen of Death. “CrowdStrike is aware…
What Is a Firewall?
In an increasingly digitized world, cybersecurity has become a major concern for businesses big and small. Recent statistics from ID Agent suggest that nearly half of all businesses reported five or more cyber attacks in…
What Is a Managed Service Provider?
December 19, 2022
You know, in this ever-evolving world, businesses continually search for new strategies to stay ahead of the curve. They often embrace complex technologies, and to manage these tech infrastructures more efficiently, they’ve started looking towards…
Unraveling the Mystery of APIs
December 5, 2022
In an interconnected digital world, have you ever marveled at how seamlessly different applications, services, and systems intermingle? When you peruse the weather forecast on your phone or process a payment through an app, there’s…
When Do Vendor Service Contracts Make Sense?
November 11, 2022
Vendor service contracts can be a bit confusing for the end customer. On one hand, they want save money. The economy has taught them that being frugal during these times pays. But on the other…
The True Cost of Technology
June 27, 2022
Technology can be a great enabler to a business. Why else would we invest our valuable time, money and effort in something if it didn’t bring us value? Yet all too often, the utopian view…